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SAL is a free educational resource developed for students, researchers, alumni and the general public. SAL is provided by the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering (DCEA), a department at the Faculty of Science and Technology, New University of Lisbon. The site provides an overview of the scientific and academic achievements of the department.

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Ten Most Recent Publications
Authors Publication Title Type Publish Date
J.G. Ferreira Aquaculture carrying capacity estimates show that major African lakes and marine waters could sustainably produce 10-11 Mt of fish per year. Nature Food. https://doi.org/10.1038/s43016-025-01114-1 SCI Journals 2025
Stetkiewicz, S., Norman, R., Allison, E.H., Andrew, N., Ara, G., Banner‐Stevens, G., Belton, B., Beveridge, M.C.M., Bogard,J., Bush, S.R., Coffee, P., Crumlish, M., Edwards, P., Eltholth, M., Falconer, L., Ferreira, J.G., Garrett, A., Gatward, I., Islam, Seafood in Food Security: A Call for Bridging the Terrestrial-Aquatic Divide. Front. Sustain. Food Syst., Sec. Agroecology and Ecosystem Services, 5. https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2021.703152 SCI Journals 2021
Panicz, R., B. Całka, A. Cubillo, J. G. Ferreira, J. Guilder, S. Kay, A. Kennerley, A. Lopes, J. Lencart e Silva, N. Taylor, P. Eljasik, J. Sadowski, P. Hofsoe-Oppermann, S. Keszka Impact of climate driven temperature increase on inland aquaculture: application to land-based production of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Transboundary and Emerging Diseases DOI: 10.1111/tbed.14577 SCI Journals 2022
Buck, B.H., Bjelland, H.V., Bockus, A., Chambers, M.l, Costa-Pierce, B.A., Dewhurst, T., Ferreira, J.G., Føre, H.M., Fredriksson, D.W., Goseberg, N., Holmyard, J., Isbert, W., Krause, G., Markus, T., Papandroulakis, N., Sclodnick, T., Silkes, B., Strand, Resolving the term “offshore aquaculture” by decoupling “exposed” and “distance from the coast”. Front. Aquac. 3:1428056. https://doi.org/10.3389/faquc.2024.1428056 SCI Journals 2024
Barry Antonio Costa-Pierce, Abigail B. Bockus, Bela H. Buck, Sander W.K. van den Burg, Thierry Chopin, Joao G. Ferreira, Nils Goseberg, Kevin G. Heasman, Johan Johansen, Sandra E. Shumway, Neil A. Sims, Albert G. J. Tacon A Fishy Story Promoting a False Dichotomy to Policy-Makers: It Is Not Freshwater vs. Marine Aquaculture, Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture, 30:4, 429-446, DOI: 10.1080/23308249.2021.2014175 SCI Journals 2022
Bayer, S.R., Cubillo, A.M., Rose, J.M., Ferreira, J.G., Dixon, M., Alvarado, A., Barr, J., Bernatchez, G., Meseck, S., Poach, M., Pousse, E., Wikfors, G.H., Bricker, S. Refining the Farm Aquaculture Resource Management Model for Shellfish Nitrogen Removal at the Local Scale. Estuaries and Coasts. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12237-024-01354-7 SCI Journals 2024
Cubillo, A.M., Lopes, A.S., Ferreira, J.G., Moore, H., Service, M., Bricker, S.B., 2023. Quantification and valuation of the potential of shellfish ecosystem services in mitigating coastal eutrophication. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Volume 293, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2023.108469. SCI Journals 2023
Ferreira, J.G., Bernard-Jannin, L., Cubillo, A., Lencart-Silva, J., Diedericks, G.P.J., Moore, H., Service, M., Nunes, J.P. From soil to sea: an ecological modelling framework for sustainable aquaculture. Aquaculture 557, 1-14. SCI Journals 2023
Ferreira, J.G., Taylor, N.G.H., Cubillo, A., Lencart-Silva, J., Pastres, R., Bergh, Ø., Guilder, J. An integrated model for aquaculture production, pathogen interaction, and environmental effects. Aquaculture 536, 1-16, doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2021.736438 SCI Journals 2021
Cubillo, A., Ferreira, J.G., Lencart-Silva, J., Taylor, N.G.H., Kennerley, A., Guilder, J., Kay, S., Kamermans, P. Direct effects of climate change on productivity of European aquaculture. Aquaculture International 29(1–2) DOI:10.1007/s10499-021-00694-6 SCI Journals 2021
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