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Personal Information
Ms. Claudia Soares
Email: csps@fct.unl.pt
Tel: 21 2948500
Ext: 10103
Academic qualifications
Date Obtained: 22/07/2004
University: Universidade do Algarve
Course: Biologia Marinha e Pescas
Degree: B.Sc.
Professional history
Time Period: 09/01/2006 - to present
Employer: Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Location: Caparica
Description: Scholarship (ERODES - POCI/AMB/59262/2004)
Total publications: 4
Total SCI publications: 2
Total SCI Impact Factor: 2.16
:: SCI Journals
1. C. Soares and P. Sobral 2009. Density-dependent effects of bioturbation by the clam, Scrobicularia plana, on the erodibility of estuarine sediments. Marine and Freshwater Research, 60, 737–744 (SCI Impact factor:1.478)
2. C. Soares and P. Sobral, 2009. Bioturbation and erodibility of sediments from the Tagus estuary. Journal of Coastal Research, 56: 1429-1433 (SCI Impact factor:0.678)
:: International Journals
1. Soares, C. & G. Calado 2006. Spawn and early development of two sympatric species of the genus Doriopsilla (Opisthobranchia: Nudibranchia) with contrasting development strategies. Records of the Western Australian Museum, World Malacological Congress, Opisthobranch Symposium, Supple
:: International Conference Proceedings
1. Soares, C. and Sobral, P. 2008. Density-dependent effects of bioturbation by Scrobicularia plana on the erodibility of estuarine sediments. IASWS 2008 Conference. 18-22 February, Esperance. Australia
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