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Personal Information
Eugénia Webb
Email: ew@fct.unl.pt
Ext: 10156
Academic qualifications
Professional history
Total publications: 6
Total SCI publications: 1
Total SCI Impact Factor: 2.22
:: SCI Journals
1. Webb, M.E. and Neves, L.A.T.P. 2004. Mars Subsurface and Life Strategies Hypothesis. Astrobiology, 4, 303. (SCI Impact factor:2.225)
:: National Journals
1. Webb M. e L. Neves 2004. Mars Atmosphere and the Quest for Life. Astrobiology, 4, 103.
:: International Journals
1. Direito, M. and Webb, M.E. 2006. "Radioresistant Archeae". International Journal of Astrobiology, 5 (1), 82-83. Cambridge University Press.
2. Direito, M. and Webb, M. E 2006. "Extreme Daytabase: Search for Extreme Life". International Journal of Astrobiology, 5 (1), 80-81. Cambridge University Press
3. Webb, M.E. and Neves, L.A.T.P. 2004. "Exploring Martian Subsurface". International Journal of Astrobiology, Supplement 2004, p.80. Cambridge University Press.
:: International Conference Proceedings
1. Webb, M.E. and Neves, L.A.T.P. 2004. "Mars Atmosphere and the Quest for Life". Proceedings of the Third European Workshop on Exo-Astrbiology-2003. R.A. Harris & L.Ouwehand, Eds. ESA Publications Division. ISBN 92-9092-856-5, 2004, p.309-310.
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