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Personal Information
Helena Farral
Email: mhf@fct.unl.pt
Ext: 10137
Academic qualifications
Professional history
Total publications: 3
Total SCI publications: 1
Total SCI Impact Factor: 1.83
:: SCI Journals
1. MATEUS, E. P., FARRAL, M. H.; PAIVA, M. R. 1995. Characterization of the physiological condition of Eucalyptus globulus labil by headspace HRGC analysis of the bouquet of odours”. Journal of Microcolumn Separations*, 7(6): 641-645 (*renamed to Journal of separation science) (SCI Impact factor:1.829)
:: International Journals
1. Paiva MR, Mateus E, Munha J, Pimentel C, Farrall MH 2002. Pinus spp. chemical composition and host selection by the winter pine processionary moth. pp. 141 -148 In: Protection of World´s Forests From Insect Pests: Adv. in Research, eds. Alfaro, R. et al., IUFRO World Series, Vol. 11
:: National Conference Proceedings
1. FARRALL, M.H. , PAIVA, M.R. 1990. Integrated protection and sustainable management of forest resources [Port]. Proc. of the 2nd National Conference on the Quality of the Environment. Vol. I, pp. C- 47- 56.
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