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Personal Information
Nuno Pacheco
Email: nrap@fct.unl.pt
Ext: 10168
Academic qualifications
Professional history
Total publications: 7
Total SCI publications: 1
Total SCI Impact Factor: 1.34
:: SCI Journals
1. Nunes J.P., Seixas J., Pacheco N. 2008. Vulnerability of water resources, vegetation productivity and soil erosion to climate change in Mediterranean watersheds. Hydrological Processes 22 (16): 3115-3134 (DOI: 10/1002/hyp.6897). (SCI Impact factor:1.336)
:: International Conference Proceedings
1. Nunes J.P., Seixas J., Pacheco N.R., Benali A. 2008. Sensitivity of soil erosion to climate change in Mediterranean watersheds. Final COST 634 International Conference, 30 June – 4 July 2008, Aveiro.
2. Nunes J.P., Seixas M.J., Pacheco N.R. 2006. Sensitivity of water resources and soil erosion to climate change in semi-arid watersheds. 14th congress of the International Soil Conservation Organization: water management and soil conservation in semi-arid environments, 14-19 May 2006, Marrakesh.
3. Nunes J.P., Seixas J., Pacheco N.R., Carvalhais N. 2006. Consequences of climate change for runoff and soil erosion: coupled simulation at the seasonal and extreme event scales. Geophysical Research Abstracts 8: 09100; proceedings of the EGU 2006 General Assembly, April 2006, Vienna.
4. Carvalhais, N., Nunes, C., Rocha, A., Pacheco, N., and Seixas, J. 2006. Carbon Fluxes Modelling in the Iberian Peninsula: A comprehensive comparison between MERIS and MODIS results, in 2nd International Symposium in Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, Torrent, Valencia, September 25-29.
5. Nunes J.P., Pacheco N.R. 2005. Consequences of climate change for water resources in Portugal - modeling the consequences of a Climate Change scenario for soil water availability, river runoff and reservoir recharge. Proceedings of GIS Planet 2005: II International Conference and Exhib
:: National Conference Proceedings
1. Nunes J.P., Pacheco N.R. 2004. Informação Geográfica e Modelação para a Gestão de Bacias Hidrográficas. Consequências das alterações climáticas para os processos hidrológicos e erosivos: potenciar a informação geográfica para a gestão ambiental. ESIG 2004, 2-4 June 2004, Oeiras.
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