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SCI Journal Publication List
The Science Citation Index (SCI) provides information about leading academic journals in the natural sciences and social sciences. The details provided include the journal name, ISSN, impact factor and the half-life.

The ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) is a unique eight-digit number used to identify a print or electronic periodical publication.

The impact factor is a measure of the citations to the SCI journals and is often used as a proxy for the importance of a journal to its field.

The half-life is the median age of the articles that are cited in journal citation reports each year.

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Abbreviated name ISSN Impact Factor Half Life
PUBLIC HEALTH REP 0033-3549 1.526 10
PULM PHARMACOL THER 1094-5539 1.577 4.5
PULP PAP-CANADA 0316-4004 0.145 10
PURE APPL CHEM 0033-4545 1.679 10
PURE APPL GEOPHYS 0033-4553 0.975 9.8
Q APPL MATH 0033-569X 0.325 10
Q J ENG GEOL HYDROGE 1470-9236 0.293 10
Q J EXP PSYCHOL-A 0272-4987 1.766 9.8
Q J EXP PSYCHOL-B 0272-4995 1.767 9.9
Q J MATH 0033-5606 0.868 10
Q J MECH APPL MATH 0033-5614 0.704 10
Q J NUCL MED MOL IM 1824-4661 1.567 4.7
Q J ROY METEOR SOC 0035-9009 2.033 9.8
Q REV BIOL 0033-5770 7.333 10
Q REV BIOPHYS 0033-5835 9.765 10
QJM-INT J MED 1460-2725 2.829 9.9
QSAR COMB SCI 1611-020X 1.826 2.1
QUAL LIFE RES 0962-9343 1.915 6.5
QUAL QUANT 0033-5177 0.288 9.9
QUAL RELIAB ENG INT 0748-8017 0.21 5.9
QUAL SAF HEALTH CARE 1475-3898 1.937 2.4
QUANT FINANC 1469-7688 0.818 3.7
QUANTUM ELECTRON+ 1063-7818 0.722 9.3
QUANTUM INFORM COMPU 1533-7146 3.584 2.9
QUATERN INT 1040-6182 1.21 5.6
QUATERNARY RES 0033-5894 2.014 10
QUATERNARY SCI REV 0277-3791 2.95 5.2
QUEST 0033-6297 0.577 9.5
QUEUEING SYST 0257-0130 0.892 10
QUIM NOVA 0100-4042 0.65 4.8
QUINTESSENCE INT 0033-6572 0.54 9.5
R&D MAG 0746-9179 0.034
RADIAT EFF DEFECT S 1042-0150 0.353 10
RADIAT ENVIRON BIOPH 0301-634X 1.179 7.7
RADIAT MEAS 1350-4487 1.023 5.3
RADIAT PHYS CHEM 0969-806X 0.725 6.7
RADIAT PROT DOSIM 0144-8420 0.49 6.3
RADIAT RES 0033-7587 3.099 8.4
RADIO SCI 0048-6604 0.951 10
RADIOCARBON 0033-8222 1.104 9.2
RADIOCHIM ACTA 0033-8230 0.846 8.1
RADIOGRAPHICS 0271-5333 2.205 5.4
RADIOL CLIN N AM 0033-8389 1.852 7.1
RADIOLOGE 0033-832X 0.72 5.6
RADIOLOGY 0033-8419 5.377 8.7
RADIOTHER ONCOL 0167-8140 3.304 6.2
RAFFLES B ZOOL 0217-2445 0.422 4.9
RAIRO-OPER RES 0399-0559 0.513
RAIRO-THEOR INF APPL 0988-3754 0.472 10
RAMANUJAN J 1382-4090 0.358
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