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SCI Journal Publication List
The Science Citation Index (SCI) provides information about leading academic journals in the natural sciences and social sciences. The details provided include the journal name, ISSN, impact factor and the half-life.

The ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) is a unique eight-digit number used to identify a print or electronic periodical publication.

The impact factor is a measure of the citations to the SCI journals and is often used as a proxy for the importance of a journal to its field.

The half-life is the median age of the articles that are cited in journal citation reports each year.

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Abbreviated name ISSN Impact Factor Half Life
RANDOM STRUCT ALGOR 1042-9832 1.024 6.8
RANGELAND J 1036-9872 0.621 6.3
RAPID COMMUN MASS SP 0951-4198 3.087 4.7
RAPID PROTOTYPING J 1355-2546 0.814 5.5
RARE METAL MAT ENG 1002-185X 0.4 3.4
RARE METALS 1001-0521 0.326 4.3
REACT FUNCT POLYM 1381-5148 1.565 5.1
REACT KINET CATAL L 0133-1736 0.67 7.5
REAL-TIME IMAGING 1077-2014 0.708 4.7
REAL-TIME SYST 0922-6443 0.667 5.7
RECENT PROG HORM RES 0079-9963 6.571 7.4
RECEPTOR CHANNEL 1060-6823 2.054 6.1
REDOX REP 1351-0002 1.887 4.2
REFRACT IND CERAM+ 1083-4877 0.104
REGION ANESTH PAIN M 1098-7339 2.595 6
REGUL CHAOTIC DYN 1560-3547 0.465 7.4
REGUL PEPTIDES 0167-0115 2.272 5.7
REGUL TOXICOL PHARM 0273-2300 1.561 6
REJUV RES 1549-1684 8.571 1.5
RELIAB ENG SYST SAFE 0951-8320 0.747 6.1
REMOTE SENS ENVIRON 0034-4257 2.833 6.9
RENAL FAILURE 0886-022X 0.54 5.7
REND SEMIN MAT U PAD 0041-8994 0.176 10
RENEW AGR FOOD SYST 1742-1705 0.308
RENEW ENERG 0960-1481 0.795 4.9
RENEW SUST ENERG REV 1364-0321 1.315 3.8
REP MATH PHYS 0034-4877 0.606 10
REP PROG PHYS 0034-4885 8.893 8.8
REPROD DOMEST ANIM 0936-6768 1.835 4.1
REPROD FERT DEVELOP 1031-3613 1.515 7.8
REPROD NUTR DEV 0926-5287 0.99 8.9
REPROD TOXICOL 0890-6238 1.636 5.9
REPRODUCTION 1470-1626 3.136 3.3
RES CHEM INTERMEDIAT 0922-6168 0.513 6.8
RES ENG DES 0934-9839 0.781 8.8
RES MICROBIOL 0923-2508 2.426 4.9
RES NONDESTRUCT EVAL 0934-9847 0.333
RES NURS HEALTH 0160-6891 1.077 9.7
RES Q EXERCISE SPORT 0270-1367 1.106 10
RES TECHNOL MANAGE 0895-6308 0.385 8.1
RES VET SCI 0034-5288 1.106 10
RESOUR CONSERV RECY 0921-3449 0.786 5.9
RESOUR GEOL 1344-1698 0.716 3.9
RESP MED 0954-6111 1.663 5.4
RESP PHYSIOL NEUROBI 1569-9048 1.827 8.9
RESP RES 1465-9921 2.682 4.3
RESPIRATION 0025-7931 1.299 6
RESPIROLOGY 1323-7799 1.264 3.5
RESTOR ECOL 1061-2971 1.38 6
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