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SCI Journal Publication List
The Science Citation Index (SCI) provides information about leading academic journals in the natural sciences and social sciences. The details provided include the journal name, ISSN, impact factor and the half-life.

The ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) is a unique eight-digit number used to identify a print or electronic periodical publication.

The impact factor is a measure of the citations to the SCI journals and is often used as a proxy for the importance of a journal to its field.

The half-life is the median age of the articles that are cited in journal citation reports each year.

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Abbreviated name ISSN Impact Factor Half Life
ANNU REV NUTR 0199-9885 8.605 6.8
ANNU REV PHARMACOL 0362-1642 19.833 6.3
ANNU REV PHYS CHEM 0066-426X 13.405 8.7
ANNU REV PHYSIOL 0066-4278 13.359 7
ANNU REV PHYTOPATHOL 0066-4286 7.605 10
ANNU REV PLANT BIOL 1040-2519 17.78 8.8
ANNU REV PSYCHOL 0066-4308 9.784 7.1
ANNU REV PUBL HEALTH 0163-7525 3.674 7.6
ANTARCT SCI 0954-1020 1.278 7.4
ANTHROPOL SCI 0918-7960 0.675 6.1
ANTHROZOOS 0892-7936 0.205 10
ANTI-CANCER DRUG 0959-4973 1.907 5.4
ANTICANCER RES 0250-7005 1.604 5.7
ANTI-CORROS METHOD M 0003-5599 0.153 6
ANTIMICROB AGENTS CH 0066-4804 4.379 5.8
ANTIOXID REDOX SIGN 1523-0864 4.232 3
ANTISENSE NUCLEIC A 1087-2906 5.941 6.4
ANTIVIR RES 0166-3542 3.406 5.4
ANTIVIR THER 1359-6535 5.286 2.7
ANTON LEEUW INT J G 0003-6072 1.483 6.9
ANZ J SURG 1445-1433 0.783 2.7
ANZ SCHADL-J PEST SC 1436-5693 0.303 9.4
ANZIAM J 1446-1811 0.198
APHASIOLOGY 0268-7038 0.951 6.6
APIDOLOGIE 0044-8435 1.318 7.6
APMIS 0903-4641 2.127 6.3
APOPTOSIS 1360-8185 4.497 3.5
APPETITE 0195-6663 1.726 7.8
APPITA J 1038-6807 0.455 8.8
APPL ACOUST 0003-682X 0.436 8.5
APPL ALGEBR ENG COMM 0938-1279 0.389 6
APPL ANIM BEHAV SCI 0168-1591 1.441 8.4
APPL ARTIF INTELL 0883-9514 0.629 6.1
APPL BIOCHEM BIOTECH 0273-2289 0.805 7.5
APPL BIOCHEM MICRO+ 0003-6838 0.31 6.8
APPL CATAL A-GEN 0926-860X 2.728 4.9
APPL CATAL B-ENVIRON 0926-3373 3.809 4.6
APPL CATEGOR STRUCT 0927-2852 0.238
APPL CLAY SCI 0169-1317 1.324 6.1
APPL COMPOS MATER 0929-189X 0.841 5.6
APPL COMPUT ELECTROM 1054-4887 0.356
APPL COMPUT HARMON A 1063-5203 1.38 6.5
APPL ENERG 0306-2619 0.691 5.1
APPL ENG AGRIC 0883-8542 0.409 6
APPL ENTOMOL ZOOL 0003-6862 0.58 10
APPL ENVIRON MICROB 0099-2240 3.818 7.2
APPL ERGON 0003-6870 0.731 7.3
APPL GEOCHEM 0883-2927 2.261 5.2
APPL IMMUNOHISTO M M 1062-3345 1.413 4.4
APPL INTELL 0924-669X 0.569 5.1
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