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SCI Journal Publication List
The Science Citation Index (SCI) provides information about leading academic journals in the natural sciences and social sciences. The details provided include the journal name, ISSN, impact factor and the half-life.

The ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) is a unique eight-digit number used to identify a print or electronic periodical publication.

The impact factor is a measure of the citations to the SCI journals and is often used as a proxy for the importance of a journal to its field.

The half-life is the median age of the articles that are cited in journal citation reports each year.

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Abbreviated name ISSN Impact Factor Half Life
APPL MAGN RESON 0937-9347 0.743 5.7
APPL MATH COMPUT 0096-3003 0.688 3.1
APPL MATH LETT 0893-9659 0.345 5.8
APPL MATH MECH-ENGL 0253-4827 0.181 5.7
APPL MATH MODEL 0307-904X 0.433 7.6
APPL MATH OPT 0095-4616 0.63 10
APPL MICROBIOL BIOT 0175-7598 2.586 6.4
APPL NEUROPSYCHOL 0908-4282 1.127 4.6
APPL NUMER MATH 0168-9274 0.589 7.2
APPL NURS RES 0897-1897 0.58 7.2
APPL OCEAN RES 0141-1187 0.34 9.5
APPL OPTICS 0003-6935 1.637 9.8
APPL ORGANOMET CHEM 0268-2605 1.19 6.1
APPL PHYS A-MATER 0947-8396 1.99 4.9
APPL PHYS B-LASERS O 0946-2171 2.056 5.3
APPL PHYS LETT 0003-6951 4.127 5.3
APPL RADIAT ISOTOPES 0969-8043 0.757 6
APPL SOIL ECOL 0929-1393 1.755 6.1
APPL SPECTROSC 0003-7028 1.868 7.6
APPL SPECTROSC REV 0570-4928 2.357 9
APPL STOCH MODEL BUS 1524-1904 0.292
APPL SURF SCI 0169-4332 1.263 5
APPL THERM ENG 1359-4311 0.777 3.9
APPL VEG SCI 1402-2001 1.517 4
AQUAC RES 1355-557X 0.746 5.2
AQUACULT ENG 0144-8609 0.975 6.5
AQUACULT INT 0967-6120 0.568 6.8
AQUACULT NUTR 1353-5773 1.441 5.2
AQUACULTURE 0044-8486 1.374 8.2
AQUAT BOT 0304-3770 1.344 10
AQUAT CONSERV 1052-7613 1.833 5.5
AQUAT ECOL 1386-2588 0.779 5.8
AQUAT GEOCHEM 1380-6165 0.963 7.1
AQUAT INSECT 0165-0424 0.27 10
AQUAT LIVING RESOUR 0990-7440 0.905 6.7
AQUAT MICROB ECOL 0948-3055 2.531 4.9
AQUAT SCI 1015-1621 1.662 5.2
AQUAT TOXICOL 0166-445X 2.719 6
ARAB J SCI ENG 1319-8025 0.149
ARCH ANDROLOGY 0148-5016 0.609 8.9
ARCH ANIM NUTR 1745-039X 0.987 4.9
ARCH APPL MECH 0939-1533 0.5 6.4
ARCH BIOCHEM BIOPHYS 0003-9861 3.152 10
ARCH BRONCONEUMOL 0300-2896 1.401 3.7
ARCH CLIN NEUROPSYCH 0887-6177 1.6 6.1
ARCH COMPUT METHOD E 1134-3060 1.4 6.8
ARCH DERMATOL 0003-987X 3.434 10
ARCH DERMATOL RES 0340-3696 1.219 8.8
ARCH DIS CHILD 0003-9888 1.787 9.7
ARCH DIS CHILD-FETAL 1359-2998 5.1
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