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SCI Journal Publication List
The Science Citation Index (SCI) provides information about leading academic journals in the natural sciences and social sciences. The details provided include the journal name, ISSN, impact factor and the half-life.

The ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) is a unique eight-digit number used to identify a print or electronic periodical publication.

The impact factor is a measure of the citations to the SCI journals and is often used as a proxy for the importance of a journal to its field.

The half-life is the median age of the articles that are cited in journal citation reports each year.

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Abbreviated name ISSN Impact Factor Half Life
ARCH ENVIRON CON TOX 0090-4341 1.408 7.9
ARCH ENVIRON HEALTH 0003-9896 0.588 10
ARCH FISH MAR RES 0944-1921 0.361 9.1
ARCH GEFLUGELKD 0003-9098 0.273 8.9
ARCH GEN PSYCHIAT 0003-990X 12.642 10
ARCH GERONTOL GERIAT 0167-4943 0.76 5.5
ARCH HIST EXACT SCI 0003-9519 0.333 10
ARCH HISTOL CYTOL 0914-9465 0.847 9.9
ARCH HYDROBIOL 0003-9136 1.324 10
ARCH IMMUNOL THER EX 0004-069X 1 6.1
ARCH INSECT BIOCHEM 0739-4462 1.827 8.3
ARCH INTERN MED 0003-9926 8.016 6.9
ARCH ITAL BIOL 0003-9829 0.692 10
ARCH LATINOAM NUTR 0004-0622 0.191 6.4
ARCH LEBENSMITTELHYG 0003-925X 0.222 9.4
ARCH MAL COEUR VAISS 0003-9683 0.403 7.9
ARCH MATH 0003-889X 0.307 10
ARCH MATH LOGIC 1432-0665 0.49 5.7
ARCH MECH 0373-2029 0.479 10
ARCH MED RES 0188-4409 1.382 4.8
ARCH MED VET 0301-732X 0.082
ARCH METALL MATER 1733-3490 0.133
ARCH MICROBIOL 0302-8933 2.135 10
ARCH NEUROL-CHICAGO 0003-9942 4.9 9.4
ARCH OPHTHALMOL-CHIC 0003-9950 3.274 10
ARCH ORAL BIOL 0003-9969 1.288 10
ARCH ORTHOP TRAUM SU 0936-8051 0.678 7.9
ARCH OTOLARYNGOL 0886-4470 1.586 10
ARCH PATHOL LAB MED 0003-9985 1.587 10
ARCH PEDIAT ADOL MED 1072-4710 3.566 5.5
ARCH PEDIATRIE 0929-693X 0.265 5.6
ARCH PHARM 0365-6233 1.129 10
ARCH PHARM RES 0253-6269 0.818 4.5
ARCH PHYS MED REHAB 0003-9993 1.734 8.3
ARCH PSYCHIAT NURS 0883-9417 0.527 8.8
ARCH RATION MECH AN 0003-9527 1.591 10
ARCH SCI 0252-9289 0.087
ARCH SURG-CHICAGO 0004-0010 3.053 10
ARCH TIERZUCHT 0003-9438 0.491 5.8
ARCH TOXICOL 0340-5761 1.663 9
ARCH VIROL 0304-8608 1.819 7.5
ARCHAEOMETRY 0003-813X 1.153 8.8
ARCT ANTARCT ALP RES 1523-0430 1.045 10
ARCTIC 0004-0843 0.857 10
ARDEA 0373-2266 0.525 10
ARDEOLA 0570-7358 0.509 9.4
ARID LAND RES MANAG 1532-4982 0.328
ARK MAT 0004-2080 0.628 10
ARKIVOC 1424-6376 0.694 2.7
ARQ BRAS MED VET ZOO 0102-0935 0.114 5.8
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