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SCI Journal Publication List
The Science Citation Index (SCI) provides information about leading academic journals in the natural sciences and social sciences. The details provided include the journal name, ISSN, impact factor and the half-life.

The ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) is a unique eight-digit number used to identify a print or electronic periodical publication.

The impact factor is a measure of the citations to the SCI journals and is often used as a proxy for the importance of a journal to its field.

The half-life is the median age of the articles that are cited in journal citation reports each year.

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Abbreviated name ISSN Impact Factor Half Life
CEMENT CONCRETE RES 0008-8846 0.727 7.2
CENT EUR J CHEM 1644-3624 0.554
CENT EUR J PHYS 1644-3608 0.524
CEPHALALGIA 0333-1024 4.657 5.9
CERAM INT 0272-8842 0.702 5.4
CERAM-SILIKATY 0862-5468 0.463
CEREAL CHEM 0009-0352 1.104 10
CEREAL FOOD WORLD 0146-6283 0.452 10
CEREAL RES COMMUN 0133-3720 0.32 9.3
CEREB CORTEX 1047-3211 6.187 5.5
CEREBELLUM 1473-4222 1.762 2.8
CEREBROVASC DIS 1015-9770 2.319 4.2
CESK SLOV NEUROL N 1210-7859 0.07
CFI-CERAM FORUM INT 0173-9913 0.108
CHAOS 1054-1500 1.76 5.6
CHAOS SOLITON FRACT 0960-0779 1.938 2.6
CHEM ANAL-WARSAW 0009-2223 0.566 8.3
CHEM BIOCHEM ENG Q 0352-9568 0.632 3.7
CHEM BIODIVERS 1612-1872 1.416 1.4
CHEM BIOL 1074-5521 6.138 4.6
CHEM BRIT 0009-3106 0.197 10
CHEM COMMUN 1359-7345 4.426 5.9
CHEM ENG COMMUN 0098-6445 0.397 10
CHEM ENG J 1385-8947 2.034 4.9
CHEM ENG NEWS 0009-2347 0.521 4.5
CHEM ENG PROCESS 0255-2701 1.159 4.7
CHEM ENG PROG 0360-7275 0.289 10
CHEM ENG RES DES 0263-8762 0.792 10
CHEM ENG SCI 0009-2509 1.735 8.7
CHEM ENG TECHNOL 0930-7516 0.678 4.7
CHEM ENG-NEW YORK 0009-2460 0.054 10
CHEM ERDE-GEOCHEM 0009-2819 0.846 10
CHEM GEOL 0009-2541 2.94 8
CHEM IMMUNOL 1015-0145 0.943 6
CHEM IND-LONDON 0009-3068 0.324 10
CHEM J CHINESE U 0251-0790 0.771 4.2
CHEM LETT 0366-7022 1.83 7.6
CHEM LISTY 0009-2770 0.445 5.3
CHEM MATER 0897-4756 4.818 5
CHEM NAT COMPD+ 0009-3130 0.311 10
CHEM PAP-CHEM ZVESTI 0366-6352 0.409 7.4
CHEM PHARM BULL 0009-2363 1.246 10
CHEM PHYS 0301-0104 1.934 8.9
CHEM PHYS CARBON 0069-3138 4.429 10
CHEM PHYS LETT 0009-2614 2.438 7.4
CHEM PHYS LIPIDS 0009-3084 2.351 7.8
CHEM REC 1527-8999 3.8 3.2
CHEM RES CHINESE U 1005-9040 0.411 3.1
CHEM RES TOXICOL 0893-228X 3.339 6
CHEM REV 0009-2665 20.869 7.4
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