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SCI Journal Publication List
The Science Citation Index (SCI) provides information about leading academic journals in the natural sciences and social sciences. The details provided include the journal name, ISSN, impact factor and the half-life.

The ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) is a unique eight-digit number used to identify a print or electronic periodical publication.

The impact factor is a measure of the citations to the SCI journals and is often used as a proxy for the importance of a journal to its field.

The half-life is the median age of the articles that are cited in journal citation reports each year.

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Abbreviated name ISSN Impact Factor Half Life
REV MATH PHYS 0129-055X 1.06 6.4
REV MED CHILE 0034-9887 0.353 6.5
REV MED INTERNE 0248-8663 0.445 5.7
REV MED MICROBIOL 0954-139X 0.767 9.8
REV MED VET-TOULOUSE 0035-1555 0.17 7.9
REV MED VIROL 1052-9276 5.685 3.8
REV METAL MADRID 0034-8570 0.414 3.5
REV METALL-PARIS 0035-1563 0.113 8.2
REV MEX ASTRON ASTR 0185-1101 3.234 5.4
REV MEX FIS 0035-001X 0.123 5.5
REV MINERAL GEOCHEM 1529-6466 4.271 3.5
REV MOD PHYS 0034-6861 30.254 10
REV NEUROL-FRANCE 0035-3787 0.443 9.2
REV NEUROLOGIA 0210-0010 0.391 4.5
REV NEUROPSYCHOL 1155-4452 0.179
REV NEUROSCI 0334-1763 2.529 5.5
REV PALAEOBOT PALYNO 0034-6667 1.074 10
REV PHYSIOL BIOCH P 0303-4240 17.053 6.6
REV ROUM CHIM 0035-3930 0.226 9.3
REV SCI INSTRUM 0034-6748 1.235 7.7
REV SCI TECH OIE 0253-1933 0.512 7.1
REV SUISSE ZOOL 0035-418X 0.352 10
RHEOL ACTA 0035-4511 1.432 9.6
RHEUM DIS CLIN N AM 0889-857X 2.842 6.7
RHEUMATOL INT 0172-8172 1.477 5.1
RHEUMATOLOGY 1462-0324 4.226 3.6
RHINOLOGY 0300-0729 0.621 9.5
RHODORA 0035-4902 0.51 10
RISK ANAL 0272-4332 1.51 7.1
RIV BIOL-BIOL FORUM 0035-6050 0.413
RIV ITAL PALEONTOL S 0035-6883 0.569 10
RIV NEURORADIOL 1120-9976 0.036
RIV NUOVO CIMENTO 0393-697X 2.833 9.8
RIVER RES APPL 1535-1459 1.426 2.6
RNA 1355-8382 6.145 4.1
ROBOT AUTON SYST 0921-8890 0.777 5.6
ROBOT CIM-INT MANUF 0736-5845 0.638 5.1
ROBOTICA 0263-5747 0.492 8.4
ROCK MECH ROCK ENG 0723-2632 0.5 10
ROCKY MT J MATH 0035-7596 0.196 10
ROFO-FORTSCHR RONTG 1438-9029 1.908 4
RUBBER CHEM TECHNOL 0035-9475 0.899 10
RUSS CHEM B+ 1066-5285 0.592 4.7
RUSS J APPL CHEM+ 1070-4272 0.182 9.6
RUSS J BIOORG CHEM+ 1068-1620 0.571 9.2
RUSS J COORD CHEM+ 1070-3284 0.536 9.7
RUSS J ECOL+ 1067-4136 0.118 8.8
RUSS J ELECTROCHEM+ 1023-1935 0.218 3.9
RUSS J GEN CHEM+ 1070-3632 0.418 10
RUSS J GENET+ 1022-7954 0.24 4
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