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SCI Journal Publication List
The Science Citation Index (SCI) provides information about leading academic journals in the natural sciences and social sciences. The details provided include the journal name, ISSN, impact factor and the half-life.

The ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) is a unique eight-digit number used to identify a print or electronic periodical publication.

The impact factor is a measure of the citations to the SCI journals and is often used as a proxy for the importance of a journal to its field.

The half-life is the median age of the articles that are cited in journal citation reports each year.

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Abbreviated name ISSN Impact Factor Half Life
COMPUT NETW 1389-1286 0.978 5.3
COMPUT OPER RES 0305-0548 0.746 7.1
COMPUT OPTIM APPL 0926-6003 0.886 6
COMPUT PHYS COMMUN 0010-4655 1.644 8.9
COMPUT SCI ENG 1521-9615 0.698 4.5
COMPUT SECUR 0167-4048 0.743 5.3
COMPUT SPEECH LANG 0885-2308 0.487 9.6
COMPUT STAND INTER 0920-5489 0.62 3.2
COMPUT STAT DATA AN 0167-9473 0.733 5.4
COMPUT STRUCT 0045-7949 0.632 9.7
COMPUT SYST SCI ENG 0267-6192 0.119
COMPUT VIS IMAGE UND 1077-3142 1.468 6.6
COMPUT-AIDED CIV INF 1093-9687 0.768 4.3
COMPUTAT GEOSCI 1420-0597 0.806 4.3
COMPUTATION STAT 0943-4062 0.286 5.4
COMPUTER 0018-9162 1.282 6.3
COMPUTING 0010-485X 0.949 10
CONCEPT MAGN RESON A 1546-6086 1.784
CONCEPT MAGN RESON B 1552-5031 1.027
CONCURR COMP-PRACT E 1532-0626 0.535 3.1
CONCURRENT ENG-RES A 1063-293X 0.255 6.7
CONDOR 0010-5422 1.337 10
CONFIGURATIONS 1063-1801 0.375
CONNECT SCI 0954-0091 0.969 9.3
CONNECT TISSUE RES 0300-8207 2.119 9.7
CONSERV BIOL 0888-8892 4.11 7
CONSERV ECOL 1195-5449 2.667 4.3
CONSERV GENET 1566-0621 1.784 3.5
CONSTR APPROX 0176-4276 0.909 9.4
CONSTR BUILD MATER 0950-0618 0.343 5.9
CONSTRAINTS 1383-7133 0.714 5.7
CONT SHELF RES 0278-4343 1.694 7.5
CONTACT DERMATITIS 0105-1873 2.701 9
CONTEMP PHYS 0010-7514 2.756 8.2
CONTEMP TOP LAB ANIM 1060-0558 0.443 4.4
CONTINUUM MECH THERM 0935-1175 0.821 5.6
CONTRACEPTION 0010-7824 1.713 6.9
CONTRIB MINERAL PETR 0010-7999 2.351 10
CONTRIB NEPHROL 0302-5144 0.803 9.7
CONTRIB PLASM PHYS 0863-1042 1 6.5
CONTRIB ZOOL 1383-4517 0.69 5.2
CONTROL CLIN TRIALS 0197-2456 2.238 9.6
CONTROL CYBERN 0324-8569 0.224 6.8
CONTROL ENG 0010-8049 0.023
CONTROL ENG PRACT 0967-0661 0.762 5.7
COORDIN CHEM REV 0010-8545 9.779 6.3
COPEIA 0045-8511 0.974 10
CORAL REEFS 0722-4028 2.398 7.7
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