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SCI Journal Publication List
The Science Citation Index (SCI) provides information about leading academic journals in the natural sciences and social sciences. The details provided include the journal name, ISSN, impact factor and the half-life.

The ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) is a unique eight-digit number used to identify a print or electronic periodical publication.

The impact factor is a measure of the citations to the SCI journals and is often used as a proxy for the importance of a journal to its field.

The half-life is the median age of the articles that are cited in journal citation reports each year.

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Abbreviated name ISSN Impact Factor Half Life
P NUTR SOC 0029-6651 2.649 5.6
P REL MAINT S 0149-144X 0.029
P ROY SOC A-MATH PHY 1364-5021 1.251 10
P ROY SOC B-BIOL SCI 0962-8452 3.51 6.5
P ROY SOC EDINB A 0308-2105 0.531 10
P YORKS GEOL SOC 0044-0604 0.438 10
PAC J MATH 0030-8730 0.406 10
PACE 0147-8389 1.279 6.4
PACKAG TECHNOL SCI 0894-3214 0.397 6.7
PAEDIATR PERINAT EP 0269-5022 1.767 5.4
PAIN 0304-3959 4.309 7.9
PAIN MED 1526-2375 2.265 3.3
PAKISTAN J BOT 0556-3321 0.153 7.5
PALAEOGEOGR PALAEOCL 0031-0182 1.899 7.4
PALAEONTOGR ABT A 0375-0442 0.8 10
PALAEONTOGR ABT B 0375-0299 0.429 10
PALAEONTOLOGY 0031-0239 0.948 10
PALAIOS 0883-1351 1.551 9.1
PALEOBIOLOGY 0094-8373 2.576 10
PALEOCEANOGRAPHY 0883-8305 3.233 7.7
PALEONTOL J+ 0031-0301 0.358 10
PALLIATIVE MED 0269-2163 1.861 5.4
PANCREAS 0885-3177 2.337 5.2
PANCREATOLOGY 1424-3903 1.564 3.5
PANMINERVA MED 0031-0808 0.945 5.2
PAN-PAC ENTOMOL 0031-0603 0.308 10
PAP PUU-PAP TIM 0031-1243 0.067 10
PARALLEL COMPUT 0167-8191 0.855 6.7
PARASITE 1252-607X 0.844 5.3
PARASITE IMMUNOL 0141-9838 1.445 7.9
PARASITOL INT 1383-5769 1.28 3.8
PARASITOL RES 0932-0113 1.226 5.2
PARASITOLOGY 0031-1820 1.703 9
PARKINSONISM RELAT D 1353-8020 1.527 3.4
PART PART SYST CHAR 0934-0866 0.691 6.1
PARTICUL SCI TECHNOL 0272-6351 0.2 7.7
PATHOBIOLOGY 1015-2008 1.511 6.4
PATHOL BIOL 0369-8114 0.646 6.3
PATHOL INT 1320-5463 0.925 5.7
PATHOL ONCOL RES 1219-4956 1.162 4.7
PATHOL RES PRACT 0344-0338 1.049 9.5
PATHOLOGE 0172-8113 0.5 7
PATHOLOGY 0031-3025 1.471 7.8
PATHOPHYSIOL HAEMO T 1424-8832 0.981 3.1
PATIENT EDUC COUNS 0738-3991 1.356 5.6
PATTERN ANAL APPL 1433-7541 0.782 4.1
PATTERN RECOGN 0031-3203 2.153 7.7
PATTERN RECOGN LETT 0167-8655 1.138 6.2
PCI J 0887-9672 0.293 7.7
PDA J PHARM SCI TECH 1079-7440 0.322 6.1
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