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SCI Journal Publication List
The Science Citation Index (SCI) provides information about leading academic journals in the natural sciences and social sciences. The details provided include the journal name, ISSN, impact factor and the half-life.

The ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) is a unique eight-digit number used to identify a print or electronic periodical publication.

The impact factor is a measure of the citations to the SCI journals and is often used as a proxy for the importance of a journal to its field.

The half-life is the median age of the articles that are cited in journal citation reports each year.

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Abbreviated name ISSN Impact Factor Half Life
BRIT J NEUROSURG 0268-8697 0.568 8
BRIT J NUTR 0007-1145 2.967 6.3
BRIT J OPHTHALMOL 0007-1161 2.459 7.2
BRIT J ORAL MAX SURG 0266-4356 0.573 9.3
BRIT J PHARMACOL 0007-1188 3.41 6.9
BRIT J PHILOS SCI 0007-0882 0.737 10
BRIT J PLAST SURG 0007-1226 1.017 10
BRIT J PSYCHIAT 0007-1250 4.956 9.7
BRIT J RADIOL 0007-1285 1.394 8.8
BRIT J SPORT MED 0306-3674 1.855 5.6
BRIT J SURG 0007-1323 3.722 9.8
BRIT MED BULL 0007-1420 3.179 8.2
BRIT MED J 0959-8146 9.052 7.5
BRIT POULTRY SCI 0007-1668 0.813 9.2
BRITTONIA 0007-196X 0.288 10
BRYOLOGIST 0007-2745 0.886 10
BT TECHNOL J 1358-3948 0.376 2.7
BUILD ENVIRON 0360-1323 0.676 4.6
BUILD RES INF 0961-3218 0.494 4.7
BUNSEKI KAGAKU 0525-1931 0.394 7.6
BURNS 0305-4179 1.199 7
CA-CANCER J CLIN 0007-9235 49.794 3
CAH BIOL MAR 0007-9723 0.627 10
CAL COOP OCEAN FISH 0575-3317 0.5 10
CALC VAR PARTIAL DIF 0944-2669 0.861 5.4
CALCIFIED TISSUE INT 0171-967X 2.487 9.5
CALCOLO 0008-0624 0.621 9.3
CALIF FISH GAME 0008-1078 0.333 10
CALPHAD 0364-5916 1.344 10
CAMB Q HEALTHC ETHIC 0963-1801 0.43 6.6
CAN ASSOC RADIOL J 0846-5371 0.223 9.3
CAN ENTOMOL 0008-347X 0.707 10
CAN FAM PHYSICIAN 0008-350X 1.092 6.3
CAN FIELD NAT 0008-3550 0.191 10
CAN GEOTECH J 0008-3674 0.697 10
CAN J AGR ECON 0008-3976 0.295 9
CAN J ANAESTH 0832-610X 1.764 7.8
CAN J ANAL SCI SPECT 1205-6685 0.5 3.6
CAN J ANIM SCI 0008-3984 0.643 10
CAN J APPL PHYSIOL 1066-7814 1.133 5.7
CAN J BOT 0008-4026 1.058 10
CAN J CARDIOL 0828-282X 1.357 6.1
CAN J CHEM 0008-4042 1.118 10
CAN J CHEM ENG 0008-4034 0.574 10
CAN J CIVIL ENG 0315-1468 0.468 8.3
CAN J DIET PRACT RES 1486-3847 0.237
CAN J EARTH SCI 0008-4077 0.965 10
CAN J ELECT COMPUT E 0840-8688 0.135
CAN J FISH AQUAT SCI 0706-652X 1.952 10
CAN J FOREST RES 0045-5067 1.531 9.9
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